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2nd Grade
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What 2nd Graders Will Be Learning
In 2nd Grade, we aim to provide students with a well rounded education. Below are the areas of core instruction.
1. Knowledge of the Faith
The believer gains a knowledge of the content of God’s self-revelation which is found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and helps them know and understand the mysteries of the faith we proclaim in the Creed.
2. Liturgical Education
The believer comes to know Christ intimately in the liturgical celebrations of the Church.
3. Moral Formation
The believer builds an understanding of Christ’s moral teachings and conforms the believer to Christ through personal transformation and conversion.
4. Teaching to Pray
The believer develops a relationship with Christ.
5. Education for Community Life
The believer realizes that they are a member of the Body of Christ and Catholic Church.
6. Missionary Initiation
The believer seeks to be a disciple of Christ who bears witness to their Catholic faith in society.
- Helps children learn the relationships between the letters of written language and the sounds of spoken language. Phonics instruction is important because it leads to an understanding of the relationships between written letters and spoken sounds.
- Helps children to read a text accurately and quickly. Fluency is important because it frees students to understand what they read. Reading fluency can be developed by modeling fluent reading by having students engage in repeated oral reading
- Helps children to communicate effectively. Vocabulary is important because beginning readers use their oral vocabulary to make sense of the words they see in print. Readers must know what most of the words mean before they can understand what they are reading. Vocabulary can be developed indirectly, when students engage daily in oral language, listen to adults read to them, and read extensively on their own or directly, when students are explicitly taught both individual words and word-learning strategies.
- helps children understand what they are reading. Comprehension is the reason for reading. Text comprehension is purposeful and active and can be developed by teaching comprehension strategies and skills.
- helps students express their ideas in written form. There are six traits to writing- ideas, organization, sentence fluency, voice, word choice, and convensions.
- helps students apply the convensions of language to writing. Both application and recognition are important to developing writing and analyzing author's writing.
Instructional time should focus on four critical areas:
(1) extending understanding of base-ten notation;
(2) building fluency with addition and subtraction;
(3) using standard units of measure; and
(4) describing and analyzing shapes.
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
- Add and subtract within 20.
- Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication.
Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Understand place value.
- Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.
Measurement and Data
- Measure and estimate lengths in standard units.
- Relate addition and subtraction to length.
- Work with time and money.
- Represent and interpret data.
- Reason with shapes and their attributes.